Thursday, April 7, 2011

SUPER Green -Coconut and Kiwi

Wow...this was the most vibrant green I have had so far. The picture really does no justice. I wonder what my classmates will think when I am drinking this in class! The store had 2 things on sale I couldn't pass up: Coconut water and Kiwis. That is a great combination, no?

It is important to remember that when doing green do need to vary it. That is the good thing about these shakes. You can get a variety of greens and fruits you wouldn't normally eat. I know I need to start adding more than just kale or spinach, maybe some bok choy?

I even bought some apples; I don't like apples. But I am hoping in the shake I won't taste them, and it will just be sweet.

That is another good thing about super get awesome greens you would never get normally... algae, alfalfa, ect that are super dense in nutrients.

So I thought coconut water and Kiwis would be a great addition.

1 cup (maybe more; it was a little container) of coconut juice by Naked
2 kiwis
2 bananas
4 cups (5 large leaves) of kale
Medium handful of almonds
2 tablespoons of Flax seed
1 scoop of super food
1 scoop of whey protien

I added another banana because it was a bit plain tasting (although you could taste the kiwis)

This yielded roughly 30 oz.

1 comment:

  1. Bad news readers! I didn't realize how THICK it thick..I couldn't drink it! Hopefully it hasn't been out too long I can just add some water and make it less thick...either don't add the 2nd banana, or add more water/coconut water!
